Thursday, March 5, 2009


Okay, so I've been thinking about this for several hours, as I fight insomnia (nothing to do with the 2 cups of coffee I drank at 9pm.) I have been a vegetarian since I was 13 years old, 20 years ago. I now have 2 awesome children, who eat just about anything I put on their plates. What do I feed them, you ask? Well, that's a question I get from almost every person I meet when they find out that we are vegetarians. Questions range anywhere from what do we eat, do we get enough protein, calcium, iron, is everything beans or tofu, etc.

While I can just simply answer these questions and let it be, I have decided to open my kitchen to various recipe testing. I have discovered that I possess an enormous library of cookbooks, all vegetarian, that I rarely refer to for dinner ideas. I can honestly say that I have probably used 2-3 recipes per cookbook that I own. That's crazy! So, I am going to make it a goal to start using 1-2 new recipes every week. I want to try new foods, and new methods of cooking with old foods. My children love to cook with me, so this will also open the world of food for them even further. We are a household of foodies. If I can make our dinners healthier, fresher, and fun to make and eat, I want to be able to share that.

This is for others who may have children who refuse to eat meat. For those who have picky eaters. For those who want to start reducing their intake of meat in general. For those who would like to introduce healthy, delicious vegetables into their family's diet but aren't' sure how.

I plan to submit a recipe, photos, and a review, from my children and me. I will try to limit the foods that are too exotic, pricey, and time-consuming. I will try to keep this economical, delicious, and include foods that are in season for best quality.

Please feel free to send me a note of your comments, requests, and reviews. I am looking forward to this new venture, and I hope that this may reach those who need a fresh change and direction in their daily hum-drum diet.

Veggie Mom